WOD: “The As Possibles” -Thurs 1.16.14

Skill:  Understanding the WOD

The class will be broken up into groups of two or threes.

Groups will start at different Stations.

Each station is 5 minutes long

3 minute rest in between stations

Although you are with other people you are not working as a team.  You may have to share equipment, however.


Station 1:  AMWAP – as much WEIGHT as possible

Movement -Bench Press

(there will be four stations set up for bench – 45#, 65#, 95#, and 135#)



Station 2:  AMCAP – as many CALORIES as Possible 


Row as many calories as possible 


Station 3:  AMRAP -as many ROUNDS as possible

5 Burpees

10 Shoulder to Overheads (135/95)

15 Hi-Low Planks


Station 3:  AMCAP – as many CALORIES as Possible 

Row as many calories as possible 


Station 4:  AMAP – as many REPS as possible 

Sled Pushes (one way = 1 rep)

Sleds should be set up with 10# on each side, and one with 25# on each side 

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