WOD: “Pulling Annie” -Wed 7.31.13
Skill: Snatch http://youtu.be/be97kgQ1Aw8 WOD: “Pulling Annie” -For TimeĀ 50 Double Unders 50 Full Crunches AMAP of Pull Ups 4minĀ 40 Double Unders 40 Full
Skill: Snatch http://youtu.be/be97kgQ1Aw8 WOD: “Pulling Annie” -For TimeĀ 50 Double Unders 50 Full Crunches AMAP of Pull Ups 4minĀ 40 Double Unders 40 Full
Skill: Ā Banded Kettle Bell SwingĀ 10 Kettle Bell Swings (50/35) 20 Air Squats 30 Weighted Jump Ropes 20 Mountain Climber Push Ups 10 Banded KBS
Skill: Ā Front Squats (5-5-3-3-3) Naughty NancyĀ 600 meter runĀ 25 Front Squats (140/95)
L-Sit Holds G2O Fingers to Box Wall Balls Ring Dips TRX Rows Rower
For Time 100 HPRU 100 Air Squats 100 Full CrunchĀ 100 Burpees Every 3rd Minute Perform 3 Deadlifts (255/165)
Wall Ball (20/14) SDHP (75/45) Box Jumps (20″) Push Press (75/45) Toes 2 Bar In this workout you move from each of five stations after
Rope SlamĀ Forward Bound Ski Lunge Superman SJ to Armpit Sledge Hammer Side plank to press Weighted CrunchĀ Tire FlipĀ Negative Pull upĀ Sumo SquatĀ
Skill: Thruster 10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10 Thruster (115/75) Knees to Elbows *25 doubles/75 singles after each round 30 min cap
Skill: K2E (knees to elbows) “Helen” 400 Meter RunĀ 21 KB Swings (55/35) 12 Pull UpsĀ 3 rounds for timeĀ ThenĀ
Rope SlamĀ DipsĀ Depth Box JumpĀ Curl to Press Sprint (red line to red line) Tire FlipĀ PlankĀ TRX SJĀ Count repsĀ