WOD: “Bootcamp” -Mon 7.8.13
Rope Slam Weighted Crunch Hp Band Walk Renegade Push Up Sledge Hammer Tire Flip Russian Twist Knee to Ball Dip Step Ups Rower Two times
Rope Slam Weighted Crunch Hp Band Walk Renegade Push Up Sledge Hammer Tire Flip Russian Twist Knee to Ball Dip Step Ups Rower Two times
Skill: Cleans 10 Cleans (115/85) 10 Diamond Push Ups 10 Push Presses 10 Diamond Push Ups 10 Thrusters 50 Double Unders  5:30am, 11:00am 10
800 Meter Run Partner 55 w/the following exercises Tire Flip Box Jumps Sledge Hammer Slam Balls Plate Burpees Shoot Throughs 800 Meter Run Partner
30 minutes of: Skill: Double Unders 400 Meter Run 50 Plates/PVC Dips 50 SSJ 50 Full Crunches (can be performed in any order and for
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Push Press (115/95) KB Swing (70/50) Front Squat 1 min plank after every round for the first 20 minutes 35 min cap REDONE 2.2.15
5:15pm, 6:15pm,7:15pm Deadlifts: 3×10 Skill: Double Unders 100 Air Squats 40 HRPUÂ 20 Deadlifts (225/135) 50 Air Squats 20 HRPUÂ 15 Deadlifts 25 Air Squats