Text me what you want. Venmo me the payment. Payment due asap.
“Only keep the company of those that make you better”
Strength Threshold: Back Squat, 80%, 3 reps every 30 seconds for a max of 8 rounds.
*Attack the rack, start when you are supposed to, be honest with your reps.
- Max 3 reps every 30 seconds for 8 rounds would be 24 reps. You may also complete less than 3 reps and continue for 8 rounds (ex. 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, , 2 = 17 reps)
- At the point which you can’t do at least 1 rep, your time is up
- COACHES: Everyone can go at once if there are 12 athletes or less. If 13+ athletes then set up two different groups. We are recording the total reps completed by each athlete. Athletes must be able to complete at least one rep before moving on to the next 30 seconds.
Benchmark WOD: Kelsey 6RFT
- 15 Wall Balls (20/14)
- 12 KBS (70/45)
- 9 OHS (115/65)
- 25 min cap
*Goal: Scale to finish 6 rounds
Shoutouts: Anais Bday
Box News:
- Rebecca W is going to Coach Thursday 5:30AM classes in July and August to get some experience before she heads off to college. CLASS SIZE WILL BE CAPPED WITH NO WAITLIST OPTION. Please do not show up unless you are signed in for class. Be cognizant has been training in the Fitness setting but will be handling the CrossFit classes for the first time. Come support and encourage her. 5:30am classes will be removed from the schedule once she heads to school.
- July 14, 21
- August 4, 18, 25
Schedule/Event News:
- July 16th, 2016: Rumble at the River
- July 16, 2016: Rafting Outing
- July 30, 2016: War at the Shore Comp
- August 6, 2016: Partner Palooza. Come support: Anne, Brett, Jacqueline, Mike I, Kenny, Nohemi, Glenn, Sasha, Reese, Kaitlin, Rich, Linny, Bebah, Yomaira, Dehnz, Tom W, Rebecca W
- August 6-14, 2016: Fitness Tour 7: Reunion Tour, Austin TX
- October 22,2016: Battle by the Bay 2