Strength: Deadlift, 5×5, @75%, Every 90seconds
WOD: 20 Minute AMRAP
- The goal of today’s WOD is to push yourself on the HSPU and Pull Ups and cruise on the bike and row.
- 15 HSPU
- 20 Cal Row or Bike
- 10 Pull Ups
- 20 Cal Row or Bike
The Scoop:
- Miguel R 1 year anniversary
- To learn more about the CrossFit Open: Here
- Valentine’s Day Potluck: February 12, 2017
- Open Viewing Party: 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 17.4, 17.5
- March 24, 2017: Friday Night Lights (80’s Theme)
- April 22, 2017: Battle of Baes 2: So far confirmed teams: Kelsey and Rich. Tom and Lauren. Steph and Levi. Glenn and Kristen. Zach and Bebah. Diana and Diego. Jenna and Justin
- Exciting News for Isabella Fitness. Starting in February, we are adding more classes to the schedule as well as making some coaching adjustments.
- Mondays: Adding a 6:45-7:30 ladies fitness class
- Tuesdays: Adding an 11:00am-11:45am ladies fitness class
- Thursdays: Adding 11am and 7:15pm-8:00pm ladies fitness class
- Saturdays: Adding an 8:30am-9:30am Fitness Bootcamp class
- Mike Fed will be coaching the 6:10pm CrossFit class Mon through Thurs now.
- Tom W will be teaching both Saturday fitness bootcamp classes. We are looking to expand our fitness bootcamp offerings in the future.
- Kelsey will be coaching the 5:30am CrossFit class on Fridays!
- As a result, open gym will not be available during the new ladies fitness times: (6:45pm-7:30pm on Mondays) and (7:15pm-8:00pm on Thursdays).