Thursday 3.30.17

Strength/Skill: Squat Clean, 5 x 1, every 90 seconds

  • Find a new 1rm!


  • 8 min AMRAP:
    • 9 Bar Facing Burpees
    • 9 Thrusters (135/85)
    • 50 Double Unders
      • rest 2 minutes
  • 6 mins to establish 1RM Squat Clean

*Keep weight on Thruster challenging, Think about Scaling the Reps before Load

The News:

Community Spotlight: Kyle McSpedon
Check out my Blog: Here
Check out my Amazon Recommendations and Books: Here
April 15, 2017: Easter Potluck
April 22, 2017: Battle of Baes 2: So far confirmed teams: Kelsey and Rich. Tom and Lauren. Steph and Levi. Glenn and Kristen. Zach and Bebah. Diana and Diego. Jenna and Justin
April 22, 2017: Battle of the Baes 2 After Party
June 3, 2017: Sgt. John Lyons Run to Remember


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