AMRAPS – Start people on different parts
Part A: 6 Min AMRAP of
- 12 Chest to Deck Push Ups
- 15/12 Cal Row
- Right into
Part B: 6 Min AMRAP of
- 12 Pull Ups
- 50 Double Unders
- Right into
Part C: 6 Min AMRAP of
- 12 Pistols (1 for 1)
- 10/7 Cal Bike
- 1 Min Rest
Repeat the same AMRAPS but with a 4 min AMRAP then 1 min rest again
Repeat the same AMRAPS again but with a 2 min AMRAP
3 cores
Each AMRAP has its own score
Pick up where you left off for each AMRAP
Or you don’t have to worry about all that