Part 1: 5 Rounds of 50 Reps (For Time)
- Person A is rowing max calories in 1 Min
- after that minute is up, Person B has to complete DB cleans (50/35-holding 2)
- until their score for that round adds up to (50/45)
1 min rest
- Person B and Person A switch
- Switch back and forth until all 5 rounds are complete
- record your time when finished
Once part A is done, move right into part B
Part B – Running and Rowing Ladder
- 5 Laps run together
- 1 Rope Climb each
- 4 Laps run together
- 2 Rope Climb each
- 3 Laps run together
- 3 Rope Climb each
- 2 Laps run together
- 4 Rope Climb each
- 1 Laps run together
- 5 Rope Climb each
record time again