WOD: “Partner Challenge” -Tues 2.26.13

“Partner Challenge”

Part I of V


AMAP 10 Minutes of Box Jumps (20″) against a partner

While your partner does 4 sprints (60 yards each) you are working on the AMAP of Box Jumps…Once your partner is finished you must perform 4 sprints while they start working on the Box Jumps.  Repeat for 10 minutes.  Person at the end of 10 minutes with the most box jumps wins.  Basically, one person sprints, one person does Box Jumps…switch after 4 sprints.

3 minute rest 

AMAP 10 Minutes of HRPU 

While your partner does 3 sprints (60 yards each) you are working on the AMAP of HRPUs…Once your partner is finished you must perform 3 sprints while they start working on the HRPUs.  Repeat for 10 minutes.  Person at the end of 10 minutes with the most HRPUs wins.  

3 minute rest 

AMAP 8 Minutes of KB Swings (no RX weight)

While your partner does 2 sprints (60 yards each) you are working on the AMAP of KB Swings…Once your partner is finished you must perform 2 sprints while they start working on the KB Swings.  Repeat for 10 minutes.  Person at the end of 10 minutes with the most KB Swings wins.  

3 minute rest

AMAP 4 Minutes of Air Squats

While your partner does 1 sprint (60 yards) you are working on the AMAP of Air Squats…Once your partner is finished you must perform 2 sprints while they start working on the Air Squats.  Repeat for 10 minutes.  Person at the end of 10 minutes with the most Air Squats.   

Post Results

Must be done with a partner 


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