Fri 12.9.16

“Seek significant change.  All change is not productive, but you cannot be productive without change”

Strength: Back Squat, ReTest – 3RM, 3 Sets (attempts). Every 2:30

  • Attempt 1 should be at or almost at your 3RM
  • Attempt 2 should be at your 3RM or heavier
  • Attempt 3 should be based off your attempts 1 and 2

WOD: Death By:

  • 4 T2B
  • 2 Hang Snatch (95/55)
    • add 1 rep to each exercise after every minute (4,2) (5,3) (6,4) etc….
    • The goal is to eventually Fail at some point in the workout.
    • continue until you cannot keep complete the required reps in that minute
    • record the last successful completed reps and the additional reps in your last minute of work
    • When you finish encourage your fellow athletes who are still working.
    • 15 Min Max

When the last person is finished take a 2 min rest

Then with a Partner complete 100 Wall Balls (25/15)* and 100 Cal for time (solo perform 5 rounds of 10 wall balls and 10 calories)

  • Switch on and off as you wish: While one person is performing wall balls, the other person is rowing. Both people must be working at the same time but on the opposite exercise. If you complete one exercise before the other then you can just switch on and off whenever you want on the remaining exercise.
  • Record your time when both exercises are completed
  • 10 min cap

Shout-outs: Sunday 12/11 – Annie C 3 year anniversary

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