Fri 6.17.16

“Prepare to be better than your opponent or prepare to accept defeat.”

Skill: Hip Hang Snatch, 5×3, Every 2 min

  • Focus more on execution versus weight. Driving from the belt buckle, Vertical torso on dip, Bar path close to body, Active shoulders overhead on the catch, Soft knees on the catch.

WOD: For Time: 21-15-9 of

  • Hip Hang Snatch (95/65)
  • Pull Ups
  • Box Jump Overs (24/20)
  • 200 Meter Run after the set of 21, 15 and 9 (3 runs total)
  • 25 Min Cap
  1. The goal for today is to choose a weight for your hang snatch that is pretty light. You may have to break it up into a few sets but the weight should not be an issue. Local Muscle fatigue/grip fatigue should be the reason you need to break it up.


Shoutouts: Safar Bday, Matt R bday
Box News: 

  • Rebecca W is going to Coach Thursday 5:30AM classes in July and August to get some experience before she heads off to college. CLASS SIZE WILL BE CAPPED WITH NO WAITLIST OPTION. Please do not show up unless you are signed in for class. Be cognizant has been training in the Fitness setting but will be handling the CrossFit classes for the first time. Come support and encourage her. 5:30am classes will be removed from the schedule once she heads to school.
    • July 7, 14, 21
    • August 4, 18, 25
  • No Bootcamp June 18th or 25th
  • Starting June 24th there will be 9:30am classes on Fridays Until The last Friday in August.

Schedule/Event News:

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