High vs Low Bar
Low Bar
- Useful for general strength trainees, athletes, and powerlifters.
- More difficult to perform correctly
- Focuses on creating a stretch reflex with hamstrings out of the bottom and a focus on hip drive to put an emphasis on the ascent. Focuses on Posterior chain
- If knees come out at the bottom you wont get help from the hamstrings
- Can help novice trainees improve their 2nd pull of their OLY lifts
- Help Increase power cleans and power snatches
- Low Bar does not relate to full cleans and snatches
- Lack of flexibility in the shoulders can limit one’s ability to perform them pain free
High Bar
- Focuses on glutes and hamstrings
- High bar days can go along with RDL’s to recruit hamstrings
- Helps with OLY lifting because it teaches catch positioning
- Could be a problem for people with knee pain
- The more vertical the chest the more forward the knees
In General
- However you squat, bar is inline with middle of foot
- Use the lifts that will help you achieve your goals from the standpoint of muscular development, strength, mechanics, comfort, and deficiencies.
FULL ARTICLE: http://www.tabatatimes.com/low-bar-vs-high-bar-back-squat/