- Side Plank
- TRX Push Up
- Mason Twists
- KB SHoulder Press
- KB Bentover ROw
- Pulse Ups
- TRX Row
- Lateral Raises
- Rope Slams
- Wall Sits
- 40:20, 30:20×2, 20:20 – 2x
Box News:
- NO Bootcamp 4/23 due to a CF competition
Schedule/Event News:
- April 23, 2016: Battle Of the BAEs CrossFit Comp
- April 23, 2016: Autism Awareness Swim-a-thon
- April 30th, 2016: SteelFit Qualifier: Come Support Kevin, Sky, Casey, Zach, Kaitlin, Jenna, Ryan, Kyle, Alex L, Rubio, Justin
- June 18th, 2016: SteelFit Finals: Athletes TBD
- June 25th, 2016: 4th Annual Tri State Games