2.4.17: Season 3, Match 4
-For all Team Saturdays, your team must be wearing your team color. If something I prescribed cannot be performed by a member of the team TEXT me. There will not be a details page or video this year. Ask me questions that you have.
0:00 – 7:00 min: Race 1: Team Relay (1 person at a time completes the entire ladder)
- 5-4-3-2
- Thrusters (95/65)
- Burpee Box Jump (24/20)
- Time is up when the last person crosses the line
- One Score Event
10:00 – 17:00 min: Race 2: For Time (1 person working at a time, Split work as you wish – Exercises must be completed in order)
- 45 Deadlifts (185/135)
- 60 Wall Balls (20/14)
- 75 HRPU
- 90 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
- One Score Event
20:00 – 27:00: Race 3A and 3B: Gendered Pair (One person from each team can be working at the same time, Split reps as you wish)
- 32 Front Squats (135/95)
- 50 Back Squats (135/95)
- 68 DB Snatches (1 for 1) (50/35)
- Time is up when each pair crosses the line
- Two Score Event
30:00 – 33:00: Race 4: The AMRAP (One person does the same piece each round) (Tag in and out)
- 10 BJO (24/20)
- 8 HSPU
- 6 Bar Over Burpees
- 2 Bar Muscle Ups
- Time is up when 4 minutes ends
- One Score Event
36:00 – 46:00: Race 5: Max Weight AGAIN! (You can use two bars. Share as needed. 1 person will find the C&J, 1 person will find Squat Clean, et cetera. Everyone is responsible for only 1 of the movements max weight)
- Clean and Jerk
- Squat Clean
- Power Clean
- Hang Clean
- Time is up when 10 minutes ends
- 4 Score Event (each weight will count separately)
49:00 – Finish: Race 6: The Sprint (1 Athlete working at once, Exercises must be completed in order, Switch on and off when you want)
- 100 Cal Row
- 100 Pull Ups
- 100 Toes to Bar
- 100 Cal Bike
- One Score Event

1.28.17: Season 3, Match 3
-For all Team Saturdays, your team must be wearing your team color. If something I prescribed cannot be performed by a member of the team TEXT me
-There will not be a details page or video this year. Ask me questions that you have.
0:00 – 6:00 min: Race 1: Team Relay (1 person at a time completes the entire ladder)
- 5-4-3-2
- Clean (135/85)
- Pull Up
- Time is up when the last person crosses the line
- One Score Event
9:00 – 17:00 min: Race 2: For Time (1 person working at a time on the 3 exercise, 1 Person can be climbing rope at all times – Split work as you wish – Exercises must be completed in order)
- 50 KBS (70/40)
- 60 Box Step Overs Holding KB (70/40) Holding 1 KB. (no lockout needed, both feet have to be on the box at the same time at some point. Up and Over = 1)
- 75 SDHP (75/35) (for unloaded barbells, the bar only needs to go below knee)
- AMAP Rope Climbs
- Two Score Event (Time it took to finish the 3 exercises, Number of Rope Climbs)
- 1 person is always working on the 3 exercises. 1 person is always on the rope climbs (essentially 2 people are working at once)
- AMAP Rope Climbs
20:00 – 26:00: Race 3A and 3B: Mis-Gendered Pair (Male-Female Teams, One person from each team can be working at the same time, Split reps as you wish)
- 32 Alt Pistols (2 for 1) (If you can’t do pistols, it is a sub of 3 air squats per pistol)
- 50 T2B
- 68 Bar Over Burpees (lateral)
- Time is up when each pair crosses the line
- Two Score Event
- 29:00 – 33:00: Race 4: The AMRAP (One person does the same piece each round) (Tag in and out)
- 12 Power Snatches (75/35) (for unloaded barbells, the bar only needs to go below knee)
- 11 Front Squats
- 10 OHL 1 for 1
- 9 OHS
- Time is up when 4 minutes ends
- One Score Event
35:00 – 45:00: Race 5: Max Weight (You can use two bars. Share as needed. 1 person will find the C&J, 1 person will find Squat Clean, et cetera. Everyone is responsible for only 1 of the movements max weight)
- Clean and Jerk
- Squat Clean
- Power Clean
- Hang Clean
- Time is up when 10 minutes ends
- 4 Score Event (each weight will count separately)
48:00 – Finish: Race 6: The Sprint (1 Athlete working at once in relay fashion, Exercises must be completed in order, One athlete must complete entire movement before the next person can go, There is no requirement for the relay in terms of what athlete performs the movement. The same athlete can perform the 2 consecutive movements. Can’t share reps but anyone can perform any exercise, in any order)
- 20 Wall Balls over the rig to a partner (20#)
- 50 Double Unders
- 20 HRPU
- 20 Pull Ups
- 20 Cal Bike
- 20 Cal Bike
- 20 Pull Ups
- 20 HRPU
- 50 Double Unders
- 20 Wall Balls over the rig to a partner (20#)
- Time is up when last wall ball is completed
- One Score Event

1.14.17: Season 3, Match 2
-For all Team Saturdays, your team must be wearing your team color. If something I prescribed cannot be performed by a member of the team TEXT me
-There will not be a details page or video this year. Ask me questions that you have.
0:00 – 6:00 min: Race 1: Team Relay (1 person at a time completes the entire ladder)
- 5-4-3-2
- S2O (135/85)
- BJO (20″)
- Time is up when the last person crosses the line
- One Score Event
9:00 – 17:00 min: Race 2: For Time (1 person working at a time on the 3 exercise, 1 Person can be rowing at all times – Split work as you wish – Exercises must be completed in order)
- 300 Double Unders
- 60 Toes to Bar
- 45 KB Thrusters (50# DB’s, 30# DBs)
- 150 Cal Row (one person can always be rowing while the other 3 can be performing the other exercises. You can rotate this person whenever you want)
- One Score Event
- 150 Cal Row (one person can always be rowing while the other 3 can be performing the other exercises. You can rotate this person whenever you want)
20:00 – 26:00: Race 3A and 3B: Mis-Gendered Pair (Male-Female Teams, One person from each team can be working at the same time, Split reps as you wish, One team will start in order as shown, one team will go in reverse order and start with slam balls) – Essentially both teams are doing this at the same time with the same equipment but in reverse order.
- 28 Front Squats (135/85)
- 40 Pull Ups
- 52 Slam Ball Over Shoulders (50/40)
- Time is up when each pair crosses the line
- Two Score Event
29:00 – 35:00: Race 4: The AMRAP (One person does the same piece each round)
- 10 HSPU
- 6 Cleans and Jerks (135/75)
- 2 Bar Muscle Ups
- 1 Rope Climbs
- Time is up when 6 minutes ends
- One Score Event
38:00 – 41:00: Race 5: Max Reps (One person works at a time, switch on and off as you wish, One person from each team can be working at the same time)
- There will be two barbells loaded with 165# and 95#. Males will perform Back Squats and Females will Perform Cleans. Switch on and off as you wish. Max reps accumulated in total from the Back Squats and Cleans from different scores.
- Time is up when 3 minutes ends
- Two Score Event (one max reps of back squat, one max reps of cleans)
44:00 – 46:00: Race 6: Max Rep Reps(One person works at a time, switch on and off as you wish, One person from each team can be working at the same time)
- There will be two barbells loaded with 165# and 95#. Males will perform Cleans and Females will back Squats. Switch on and off as you wish. Max reps accumulated in total from the Back Squats and Cleans from different scores.
- Time is up when 2 minutes ends
- Two Score Event (one max reps of back squat, one max reps of cleans)
49:00 – Finish: Race 7: The Sprint (1 Athlete working at once in relay fashion, Exercises must be completed in order, One athlete must complete entire movement before the next person can go, There is no requirement for the relay in terms of what athlete performs the movement. The same athlete can perform the 2 consecutive movements. Can’t share reps but anyone can perform any exercise, in any order)
- 20 Wall Balls over the rig to a partner (20#)
- 20 Alt Pistols 1 for 1
- 20 Pull Ups
- 20 Burpee Broad Jumps over Mat
- 20 Burpees Broad Jumps over Mat
- 20 Pull Ups
- 20 Alt Pistol 1 for 1
- 20 Wall Balls over the rig to a partner (25#)
- Time is up when last wall ball is completed
- One Score Event
1.7.17: Season 3, Match 1
-For all Team Saturdays, your team must be wearing your team color. If something I prescribed cannot be performed by a member of the team TEXT me
-There will not be a details page or video this year. Ask me questions that you have.
0:00 – 6:00 min: Race 1: Team Relay (1 person at a time completes the entire ladder)
- 5-4-3-2
- Front Squat (135/95)
- Toes to Bar
- Time is up when the last person crosses the line
- One Score Event
9:00 – 17:00 min: Race 2: For Time (1 person working at a time – Split work as you wish – Exercises must be completed in order)
- 50 Bar Over Burpees (any form allowed)
- 50 Thrusters (75# only)
- 50 Bar Over Burpees
- 50 OHS (75# only)
- Time is up when entire team crosses the line
- One Score Event
*20:00 – 26:00: Race 3A and 3B: Gendered Pair (Both males will work together, Both females will work together, 1 Male AND 1 Female will be working at once, Each gendered pair must complete the work, switch on and off with your gendered pair as you wish)
- 30 Clusters (115/75)
- 45 Toes to Bar
- 30 S2O (115/75)
- Time is up when each pair crosses the line
- Two Score Event
*29:00 – 35:00: Race 4: The AMRAP (One person does the same piece each round)
- 25 Double Unders
- 3 Bar Muscle Ups
- 2 Rope Climbs
- 1 Complex of: 5 DL + 5 BS (135/95)
- Time is up when 6 minutes ends
- One Score Event
*38:00 – 42:00: Race 5: Max Reps (One person works at a time, switch on and off as you wish)
- There will be one bar loaded with 165#. Males will perform Power cleans and Females will Perform DL. Switch on and off as you wish. Max reps accumulated in total from the cleans and DLs.
- Time is up when 4 minutes ends
- One Score Event
45:00 – 48:00: Race 6: Max Rep Pull Ups (One person works at a time, Must keep your order, One athlete must complete their reps before the next person can go. One Person MUST perform C2B)
- One person does 10 Pull Ups
- Next person does 6 Pull Ups
- Next person does 4 Pull Ups
- Next person does 2 Pull Ups
- one of these athletes must be C2B
- Time is up when 3 minutes ends
- One Score Event
51:00 – Finish: Race 7: The Sprint (1 Athlete working at once in relay fashion, Exercises must be completed in order, One athlete must complete entire movement before the next person can go, All athletes must go before the next athlete can go again)
- 20 Cal Bike
- 20 Cal Row
- 20 Cal Bike
- 20 Wall Balls (20/14)
- 20 Wall Balls (25/20)
- 20 Cal Row
- 20 Cal Bike
- 20 Cal Row
- Time is up when entire team crosses the line
- One Score Event