“Wisdom is knowing what to do; discipline is doing it”
Warm Up: Ring Dip Practice
1. Strength: Strict Press, 4×6, every 90 sec
2. WOD: For Time
- 21-15-9 of:
- Strict Press (85/55) Light
- Burpee
- 18-12-6
- KBS (70/55) Heavy
- Burpee
- 12-9-6
- Push Jerk (115/95) Moderate
- Ring Dips (use bands to scale)
- 25 Min cap
Record time
Shoutouts: Happy Bday Brittany
Box News: None
- October 22,2016: Battle by the Bay 2
- October 29, 2016: Brighton Asylum
- Voted top 4 haunted places in the country! Let’s celebrate Halloween the CFS way. Time for an eerie-sistible family get together at the Brighton Asylum in Passaic. For $33 a person we can access the haunted Asylum and tunnel. We’d like to purchase tickets ASAP so we can confirm one of the evening time slots. Check back for updates! http://brightonasylum.com/