WOD: 32 Min AMRAP Challenge
- 21 Burpees
- 15 Power Snatches (115/75)
- 9 Rope Climbs
- *Record the total AMRAP of YOUR score at the end of 32 minutes
Everyone will be paired up AGAINST someone else
You will work for 2 minutes while your competition is resting for 2 minutes.
Every 2 minutes you will switch who works and who rests
When you begin working again after your rest, pick up where YOU left off
This is NOT a partner workout. You are competing against someone who has their own score. You are sharing equipment unless you need different weights for the snatch.
Shoutouts: none
Box News:
- Sky’s Cafe Info
- Want to Improve your skills? Click Me
Schedule News:
- NEW INFO: No OPEN Gym on Jan 23, 30 and Feb 6, 13, 20 Due to competitions
- January 30th – Come support Jenna, Rubio, Justin, Jess P, Sky, and Kevin: https://www.facebook.com/events/1727934410760727/