Strength: Clean and Jerk Complex: Clean and Jerk + Jerk. 7×1, EMOM.
(clean and jerk in one constant motion. Catch the clean in a dip and jerk out of that dip. Your second jerk can be performed after re-establishing yourself)
Record you heaviest successful complex.
WOD: For Time
- 30 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
- 15 Strict Pull Ups
- 15 T2B
- 10 Strict Pull Ups
- 10 T2B
- 5 Strict Pull Ups
- 5 T2B
15 Min cap
Coaches: Assign up stations before the WOD begins.
Shoutouts: None
Box News:
Schedule News:
- December 31, Jan 1 – limited schedule due to holidays
- January 30th – Come support Jenna, Rubio, Justin, Jess P, Sky, and Kevin: