Text me what you want. Venmo me the payment. Payment due asap.
“Saying you don’t have time to improve your body & your life is like saying you don’t have time to stop for gas because are too busy driving”
Strength: Power Clean, 4×2 @70%, TNG is the goal, Every 90 seconds
Hard AND Fast
Part A: 6 Min AMRAP
- 4 Lateral Bar Over Burpees
- 2 Power Cleans (70%)
3 Min Rest
Part B: Follow the Leader Until you both complete 4RFT of:
- 250 Meter Row
- 15 Ring/TRX Rows
- 12 min cap
- (share a rower and rows)
- THIS IS NOT A PARTNER 4RFT. YOU JUST HAPPEN TO BE SHARING EQUIPMENT. YOU will have your OWN time as a score. See below for the goal.
*Any athletes over 14 will use the bike for 15 Calories
- The goal of Part A is to find that high pace while moving heavy weight. We are looking to see who can sustain their power over the course of the workout.
- The goal of Part B is to row fast and then perform PERFECT rows. Make sure to keep your abs and butt tight throughout the movement. Don’t allow your hips to shoot to the ceiling or drop to the ground. You may have a built in rest if you are waiting for your “equipment sharing partner” to finish their reps. (the person going 2nd should jump the rower immediately after the person in front of them goes and subtract the time that they started from their overall score)
Shoutouts: Nick G Bday
Box News:
- Rebecca W is going to Coach Thursday 5:30AM classes in July and August to get some experience before she heads off to college. CLASS SIZE WILL BE CAPPED WITH NO WAITLIST OPTION. Please do not show up unless you are signed in for class. Be cognizant has been training in the Fitness setting but will be handling the CrossFit classes for the first time. Come support and encourage her. 5:30am classes will be removed from the schedule once she heads to school.
- July 14, 21
- August 4, 18, 25
Schedule/Event News:
- July 16th, 2016: Rumble at the River
- July 16, 2016: Rafting Outing
- July 30, 2016: War at the Shore Comp
- August 6, 2016: Partner Palooza. Come support: Anne, Brett, Jacqueline, Mike I, Kenny, Nohemi, Glenn, Sasha, Reese, Kaitlin, Rich, Linny, Bebah, Yomaira, Dehnz, Tom W, Rebecca W
- August 6-14, 2016: Fitness Tour 7: Reunion Tour, Austin TX
- October 22,2016: Battle by the Bay 2