Wednesday 12.27.17

Strength/Skill: Banded Deadlifts, 5 x 3 singles, every 90 seconds

WOD: 23 min Partner Battle AMRAP

  • Each person will have their own score.
  • The AMRAP is:
    • 15 Deadlifts (135/95)
    • 10 HSPUs
      • Every 2 rounds, increase DL weight, but decrease reps by 3:
        • 15 = 135/95
        • 12 = 185/125
        • 9 = 225/155
        • 6 = 275/185
        • 3 = 315/205
          • this is the only part that you will have a score for
  • The transition piece is:
    • 21/14 bike cals

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