Strength/Skill: Snatch Complex
- 1 DL + 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Power Snatch = 1 Complex
- 7 x 1, every 90 seconds
WOD: 25 min Partner Battle
- 5 RFT of:
- 5 Snatches @ 75%
- 15 DL (normal grip, same barbell)
- 1 min accumulated Front Support
- 21/14 Bike cals or 30/20 Row cals
- One partner begins on part 1 and the other begins on part 2. You will always be working at the same time as your partner.
- Part 2 is the transition piece. One partner gets to work on his/her 5 RFT as long as the other partner is still working on his/her calories. Once the partner working on the calories is finished, partners switch.
- Each time you go back to the 5 RFT pick up where you left off. You are trying to get through the 5 rounds as fast as possible. Each partner will have their own score of the time it took them to finish.
- If your partner finishes the 5 RFT before you, you get to work on yours until you finish, without interruption.