WOD: “Mike I’s Sick Seventies” -Fri 1.2.15

Skill: Wall Balls (Forearms stay VERTICAL)


WOD:  For Time:

70 Wall Balls (20/14)

70 Jump Ropes (preferably Double Unders)

70 ABMAT Sit Ups

70 Shoulder to Overheads (75/45)

70 Air Squats

70 Chest to Deck Push Ups (or HRPU)

70 Jump Ropes (preferably Double Unders)

70 TRX Rows


*every 5th minute perform 4 Rope Climbs (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30)    (6 sets of 4)


35 min cap

**Whatever push up you choose you must hit your chest to the ground 

***Jump ropes are ALWAYS meant to be double unders unless otherwise noted. If you are doing singles you still have to 70 only)




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