WOD: “Partner 1RFT” -Wed 12.4.13

Skill:  Thruster

-Round 1: 5 minutes to complete as much work as possible.

-Round 2:  7 minutes to complete as much work as possible.

-Round 3:  Finish 1 RFT with a 15 minute cap

2 minute rest in between rounds 

Round 1 and Round 2 should be recorded as reps. Round 3 should be recorded as reps OR 1RFT. 

Only one person working at a time.

If there is an odd number of people there can be a group of 3 or he/she can work alone. 

50 WB (20/14)

30 Thrusters (95/65) 

100 Double Unders (300 singles)

50 Push presses (95/65)

60 Box Jumps 

25 Burpees


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