WOD: “Partner 5 for 5” -Tues 12.2.14

Each part has a 10 min cap


Part 1

20 DB Burpee Box Overs Each (50/30) 20″

then AMAP Burpees (only one person doing burpees at once)

(switch every 5 reps until 40Ā are complete)


Part 2

40 Back Squats Each (155/105)

then AMAP BurpeesĀ (only one person doing burpees at once)

(switch every 5 reps until 80 are complete)


Part 3:

60 Slam Balls Each (30/20)

then AMAP BurpeesĀ (only one person doing burpees at once)

(switch every 5 reps until 120 are complete)


*at the end of the workout you will have 3 scores.


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