WOD: “Partner WOD” -Wed 4.1.15



Skill: Clean 5 TNG reps every 90 seconds for 5 rounds at 75% 

(0:00, 1:30, 3:00, 4:30, 6:00)


WOD: Partner WOD

In 30 minutes complete:

60 Partner Wall Balls (1 for 1) (20/14)

12 Rope Climbs (1 for 1)

75 Hang Cleans (95/65)

100 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)

once complete and with the remaining time find you 1RM Squat or Power Clean – Share one bar


*Work can be divided up as you wish. Wall Balls are passed to each other off the wall. One person is working at a time except for wall balls.

Record your finishing time on the work (after 100 S2O’s) and the heaviest weight cleaned by each person


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