Tues 1.3.17

  1. Strength: Back Squat, 5×5, @90%, EMOM
  2. WOD: 15 Min AMRAP 
    • Goal of today’s WOD is testing your ability to fight through the leg burn. I am also looking to see how well you can transition the bar from front rack to back rack. I am looking to see how you handle the 6 S2O at the end of the round and move into the complex. 
    • 1 Squat Complex (125/85) (2 Thrusters + 4 Front Squats + 6 Back Squats)***See notes below
    • 14 Burpees
    • 6 S2O (125/85)
      • ***Complex should be completed without the bar hitting the ground but it is not mandatory
      • If you are not comfortable transitioning from a front squat to a back squat then use a rack for transition
        • (There are 4 racks in Bay B, 2 wooden racks Bay C, 6 mobile racks, and the jerk boxes Bay D = 13 racks altogether if need be)
      • The weight for the complex should be heavy for the thruster, moderate for the front squat, and light for the back squat. 
  3. Mobility:
    • Rear Support Holds: 6 rounds, 20:20
    • Lizard Walks: 4×6 Steps

The Skinny

  1. Brett W Bday
  2. Open Viewing Party: 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 17.4, 17.5
  3. March 24, 2017: Friday Night Lights (80’s Theme)


1-3-17 1317


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