Tuesday 6.6.17

Strength/Skill: Clean and Jerk, 6 x 1, every 90 seconds

  • Split Jerk is acceptable

WOD: For TimeĀ Stations

  1. 30 Cleans (135/95),Ā 20 S2O (135/95)
  2. 30 Pullups, 40 HRPUs
  3. 35/24 Bike cals, 35 American KBS (70/50)
    • 8 minutes at each station
    • No rest between stations
    • Start athletes at different stations if more than 8 people in class
    • 3 separate scores, for example:
      • 1. 7:20 ; 2. 5:40 ; 3. 9:50

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