WOD: “AMRAP” -Fri 7.19.13
30 minute AMRAP of: 10 SDHP (115/75) 15 HRPU 15 Goblet Squat 10 K2E 4oo Meter Run or 75 double unders/225 singles
30 minute AMRAP of: 10 SDHP (115/75) 15 HRPU 15 Goblet Squat 10 K2E 4oo Meter Run or 75 double unders/225 singles
Skill: Back Squat 42 Dumbbell Snatches (50/30) 10 KB Swings (60/40) 42 Full Crunches 10 KB Swings (60/40) 30 Dumbbells Snatches (50/30 10 KB Swings
Rope Slam Med Ball Over Shoulder Air Squat Burpees Rower Sledge Hammer Tire Flip Alt. Med Ball Push Up Weighted Jump Rope Bicycle Crunch Banded
Skill: Bentover Row (3×8) 3RFT of 20 Bentover Rows (115/75) 30 Depth Push Ups 30 Weighted Crunches (45/25) 20 Strict Pull Ups 30 minute cap
Skill: Cleans WOD: For Time (record your time when you are finished) 15 Cleans (155/95) 30 T2B, MOD: K2E or Box Knee Tucks 30 Lateral Box
Two Teams of Six: Two 20-Minute Stations. Station 1: Run as many 400 meter runs as possible. The team must run together for the first
Skill: Deadlift 5-5-3-3-3 (3RM) DeadLift Form 11 Deadlifts (225/155) 23 Box Jumps (20″) With Remaining time complete AMAP Wall Balls (#20/14) 4 min on,
Skill: Push Press5-5-3-3-3 (3RM) 10 Push Presses (Starting @ 95/55) 10 KB Swing (50/30) 15 Pull Ups Increase the weight of the push press by
Skill: Front Squat 5-5-3-3-3 (3RM) 28 minute partner WOD: 10 Front Squats (155/95) 15 Toes to Bar 20 OHL (45/35) 25 HRPU 20 Ground to