Month: February 2017

Thurs 2.16.17

Strength: Back Squat, 5×5 @ 70%, Every 90 Seconds WOD: 4RFT The goal of today’s WOD is to test where you are gymnastic wise. This is

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Wed 2.15.17

Skill: Push Press, 5×5, no %, Every 2 min Focus on the return with a 2-3 second eccentric movement. WOD: 21 Min AMRAP Relay The

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Tues 2.14.17

Strength: Power Clean, 6×3, Every 90 Seconds. Can be TNG or a brief 5-10second rest in between reps. (no %) WOD: Sprint Intervals  The goal

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Mon 2.13.17

Skill: Rope Climb, 10 Reps for time, 7 minute cap. WOD: Ladder The goal of today’s WOD is to really challenge yourself on the ring dips.

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Sat 2.11.17

Bootcamp KBS Plate Burpees Banded AXE Chops Bent over row Farmers walk KB Def. Sumo Squat Plate Def Push Ups Crunch to Press Plae Bicep

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Fri 2.10.17

Strength: Front Squat, 10-8-6-4-2, Every 2 min, Start at 65%,  WOD: Sprint Intervals  The goal of today’s WOD is to sprint through the movements as

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Thurs 2.9.17

Strength: Clean Complex: Power Clean, Hang Squat Clean, Front Squat = 1.  6×1 every 90 seconds.  WOD: Partner Challenge The goal of today’s WOD is

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Wed 2.8.17

Skill: Toes to Bar Then For Time, 5 min cap. 30 Toes to bar for time. WOD: 25 Min Ascending Ladder The goal of today’s

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Tues 2.7.17

Strength/Skill: Back Squat, 10-8-6-4-2, Start at 65% for your set of 10. Add weight as the rounds progress (goal would be 20#’s for men, 10#’s

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Mon 2.6.17

Strength/Skill: Snatch Complex: Squat Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch, 6×1, Every 60 Seconds WOD: Chipper The goal of today’s WOD to find that cruise control

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