Strength/Skill: Toes to Bar, 50/30 for time, 5 min cap
- Did this on February 8th
WOD: 20 min Partner AMRAP
- 20 Wall Balls (20/14)
- 20 KB SDHPs (70/50)
- 50 Double Unders
- 20/15 Cals on Rower
- One partner must be holding a slam ball (50/30) for the other to be working on the AMRAP
- Switch back and forth as you wish, but there is a penalty for dropping the ball, even during the transition
- If your team drops the ball, each of you have to do 20 burpees before resuming the AMRAP
- Switch back and forth as you wish, but there is a penalty for dropping the ball, even during the transition
- One partner must be holding a slam ball (50/30) for the other to be working on the AMRAP
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Community Spotlight: Kyle McSpedon, Mike Isabella
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April 15, 2017: Easter Potluck
April 22, 2017: Battle of Baes 2: So far confirmed teams: Kelsey and Rich. Tom and Lauren. Steph and Levi. Glenn and Kristen. Zach and Bebah. Diana and Diego. Jenna and Justin
April 22, 2017: Battle of the Baes 2 After Party
April 15, 2017: Fitness For Autism
May 29, 2017: Memorial Day Murph and Box BBQ
June 3, 2017: Sgt. John Lyons Run to Remember