Thursday 7.6.17

Sprint Work: Rowing and Snatches (The goal is to move FAST)

With 9 Minutes on the clock perform

  • 0:00-3:00: Round 1: 10/7 Cals on Rower + 3 Snatches at 75%
    • With the remaining time rest
  • 3:00-6:00: Round 2: 10/7 Cals on Rower + 2 Snatches at 80%
    • With the remaining time rest
  • 6:00-9:00: Round 3: 10/7 Cals on Rower + 1 Snatch at 85%
    • With the remaining time rest


  • With 4 minutes on the clock perform
    • 10 Front Squats (95/65)
    • 10 Ring Dips (Mod: Banded Ring Dips, Box Dips, Bench Dips)
    • 10 Snatches (95/65)
      • then, with the remaining time from the 4 minutes complete an AMRAP of the following:
        • 5 Muscle-ups (mod w/ C2Bs)
        • 20 Double Unders
          • Your score is the AMRAP of the Muscle Ups and Double Unders
      • 1 Min Rest after the 4 minutes
      • Perform 3 more rounds (4 rounds in total)

The News:

I need some help this weekend crew members. On Friday, from 11am until we are done, I am moving all the mats out of the first two units to clean. I need as much help as possible moving them outside or stacking them up inside if it rains. It is sooooooo much easier with more hands on deck. On Saturday, from 8am until we are done, I will need help getting the mats back in order. PLEASE let me know if you can help out. Remember, the box is shut down AFTER the 9:30am class on friday until Monday 5:30am class. ALL weekend is dedicated to getting this box cleaned and rearranged.
Community Spotlight: Kyle McSpedonMike IsabellaVivian Martinez, Jess Pogoda
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Check out my Amazon Recommendations and Books: Here
July 22, 2017 – Rafting Trip
Aug 12, 2017 – CFS Beach Day


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