Strength/Skill: Back Squats, 4 x 7, 60%, every 2 minutes
- 4 rounds of 7 Back Squats at 60% of your 1 rep max every 2 minutes
- **Controlled reps: 3 sec down, 1 sec pause, 3 sec up, 1 sec pause
WOD: 21 min Partner Relay AMRAP
- 6 Hang Cleans (115/75)
- 8 Single-arm DB S2O – 4 one arm, 4 other (no Rx weight)
- 10 Plate Burpees
- Partners alternate each exercise
- Record the amount of rounds and reps that you and your partner are able to complete as a team
- One Score team partnership
- Set up the equipment across the gym and have athletes tag each other in and out. All teams will start under the pull-up bar.
Allen and Pat 3 year anniversary
Happy Bday Karalyn (in foundations)