Tuesday 10.17.17

Strength/Skill: Deadlift

  • Partner 3 RFT, follow the leader style:
    • 15/10 cal Bike
    • 3 Deadlifts at 80% of 1RM
      • If 16 people in class, teams of 2
      • If 17+ people in class, teams of 3

WOD: Partner Chipper

  • 1 mile Bike w/ Sandbag
  • 75 Box Jumps (24/20)
  • 50 Wall Balls (30/20)
  • 25 Deadlifts (225/155)
    • Each partner must complete all of the reps written for each exercise before the team can move on to the next exercise.  Partners can switch on and off as they wish, but each partner must complete 1 mile on the bike, 75 box jumps, 50 wall balls, and 25 deadlifts.
    • Your team’s score for this workout is the time it takes your team to complete everything.
      • 17+ people in class will end on the bike.


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