Strength/Skill: Back Squats, 7 x 3, 55%, EMOM
- 2 second active pause in the hole
WOD: Partner Relay
- Part 1: 6RFT
- 5 KB Squat Cleans (70/50)
- 10 Single-arm DB Cleans (from floor, 1 for 1) (50/30)
- 15 HRPUs
- Partners complete 6 rds (will end up being 3 rds each)
- One partner works while one “rests”, alternating every rd
- The partner that is “resting” must hold a plank in order for the reps to count
- Record score
- Immediately continue into the following:
- Part 2: 6RFT
- 20/14 Bike Cals
- 3 Rope Climbs
- Partners complete 6 rds
- One partner works while one “rests”, *Switch however and how often you’d like*
- The partner that is “resting” must hold a plank in order for the reps to count
- Record score
- 25 min cap on entire workout
- 2 scores at the end of the workout
The News:
Community Spotlight: Kyle McSpedon, Mike Isabella, Vivian Martinez, Jess Pogoda
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July 22, 2017 – Rafting Trip
Aug 12, 2017 – CFS Beach Day