WOD: “Benchmark WOD – Kellie” -Mon 4.27.15

Skill:  SDHP

Focus: Squeeze Glutes on pull to achieve hip extension

Elbows stay long on the pull then pull after the squeeze

Elbows straighten first on the return then hips follow

WOD:  Kellie

20 min AMRAP of…  3, 6, 9, 12, 15…continue by 3’s

SDHP (95/65)


Wall Ball (20/14)

*Reporting your score is important here.  Report the last round you full completed and everything thereafter for example

Last completed round: 15 +  18 of 18 SDHP, 13 of 18 HRPU


Last completed round: 15 + 18 of 18 SDHP, 18 of 18 HRPU, 2 of 18 WB


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