WOD: “Let’s Run” -Mon 11.28.11


“Let’s Run”

40 Squats

1 50 meter sprint

30 Crunches

1 50 meter sprint

20 Russian Twists

1 50 meter sprint

10 Squat Jumps

1 50 meter sprint

= 1 completed cycle

Goal:  To complete as many cycles as possible in 30 minutes.

Rest:  Whenever you need it or when the 30 minutes is up.

How to do this W/O:

After every completed cycle add a sprint. Example – Cycle 1 = 40 squats, 1 sprint, 30 crunches, 1 sprint, 20 twists, 1 sprint, 10 SJ, 1 sprint.  Now 40 squats, 2 sprints, 30 crunches, 2 sprints, 20 twists, 2 sprints, 10 SJ, 2 sprints. Now 40 squats, 3 sprints, 30 crunches, 3 sprints…

Extra:  See how many cycles you can complete and post below


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