WOD: “Partner AMRAP” -Wed 9.17.14

Skill: Push/Split Jerk 5×4

12 Min AMRAP

8 Pull Ups

12 SDHP (115/75)

16 Mountain Climbers 2 for 1 (32 total knee drives)

While one person is working on the AMRAP the other person is holding a plate (45/25) overhead.  SWITCH WHENEVER you want.  Pick up where the other person left off.  You will come up with one AMRAP score after the 12 minutes.


2 min rest


12 Min AMRAP

8 T2B

12 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75)

16 Plank Jacks

While one person is working on the AMRAP the other person is doing 15 Slam Balls (30/20). Switch when the 15 slam balls are completed  Pick up where the other person left off.  You will come up with one AMRAP score after the 12 minutes.



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