“Don’t complain about your situation when your actions and decisions got you where you are today.”
Strength: Deadlift, 4 Min EMOM, 6 Reps, 70%
- Coaches will assign partners at the beginning of class to be used for later. The point of doing it now is to set up your DL bar close to your parter
12 Min AMRAP
- 20 KBS (70/55)
- 200 Meter Run
- Record score
3 min rest
After Party: 8 MIN AMAP with a partner
- 800 Meter Run with a partner Holding a slam ball (50/30) Alternating when needed.
- With the remaining time complete AMAP of DL (70%) switching after every 3 reps (rest as needed) (use the same bar you used during the strength portion)
- Count the total number of reps (if you and your partner hit 60 reps record your time and your workout is over at that point)
- The goal of today’s WOD is to move through the AMRAP with consistency. Keep moving at a similar pace throughout the 12 minutes. The KBS are going to be tough cardiovascularly. Keep form locked in.
- Let’s pay special attention to the mechanics of the DL; mainly keeping a flat, arched, rigid back. Especially, during the AMAP with a partner.
News/Bday/Anniversary Shoutouts: None
Blog Spot:
Schedule/Event News:
- August 6, 2016: Partner Palooza. Come support: Anne, Brett, Jacqueline, Mike I, Kenny, Nohemi, Glenn, Sasha, Reese, Lauren, Rich, Linny, Bebah, Yomaira, Dehnz, Tom W, Rebecca W
- August 6-14, 2016: Fitness Tour 7: Reunion Tour, Austin TX
- October 22,2016: Battle by the Bay 2