Fri 1.20.17
Strength: Clean, 3×4 @ 4rm from 1.9.17 Every 90 seconds. If you don’t have a 4RM, find one WOD: For Time Ladder Goal of today’s
Strength: Clean, 3×4 @ 4rm from 1.9.17 Every 90 seconds. If you don’t have a 4RM, find one WOD: For Time Ladder Goal of today’s
Strength: Deadlift, 3×3 @ 85%, Every 90 Sec, TNG WOD: AMRAPS Goal of today’s WOD is to deadlift. The weight starts out heavy and gets
Skill: Strict Pull Up – Maintain Hollow Body Position – 4×4 (Use Bands if necessary. If bands are not enough then use Rows) Every 90
I need your help: Isabella Ladies is looking to expand. We want to add more class times to fit the needs of our fabulous ladies
I need your help: Isabella Ladies is looking to expand. We want to add more class times to fit the needs of our fabulous ladies
Bootcamp Slam Balls TRX Or Flexed arm hang Double Hops Granny Toss Burpee Broad Jumos DB Bicep Curls Pass Betweens WJR G2O 30:20 1x 40:25
Strength: Deadlift, 3×3, Broken up into singles. @85%, Ever 90 Seconds. Half REPS WOD: AMAP Goal of today’s WOD is to push the tempo. Maintain a flat
Strength: S2O Complex, 1 Strict Press + 2 Push Press + 3 Push Jerk = 1 set. 1 Set every 90 seconds. Add weight as
Strength: Back Squats, 4×2 @ 90% of 1RM. Every 2 min WOD: For Time Goal of today’s WOD is to maintain locked elbows overhead when performing the
Skill: Strict Pull Up – Maintain Hollow Body Position – 4×4 (Use Bands if necessary. If bands are not enough then use Rows) Every 90