Month: May 2016

Wed 6.1.16

“Are you Preparing for a New Year’s Resolution or Are you Waiting for a New Year’s Resolution
. Totally different things. Strength: Deadlift, 80%, 3 reps

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Tues 5.31.16

“Every time you are not practicing, someone else is” Strength: Push Jerk, 4×6, Every 2 Min WOD: 4RFT 30 ABMAT Sit Ups 2 Rope Climbs

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Sat 5.28.16

Rower/Bike G2O Handstand Hold/Plank Slam Ball Run Banded Lat Pull Down KBS ABMAT Overhead Plate Carry TRX Row TRX Mountain Climber 30:30 30:20 2x 20:20

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Fri 5.27.16

“Winners find a way, losers find an excuse” Strength: Floor Press, 4×6, Every 90 Seconds WOD: EMOM Min 1: 20/15 Cal Row Min 2: 15

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Thurs 5.26.16

“You will never be happy wishing for what you don’t have.  You will always be happy seeing the value in what you have.” Strength: Back

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Wed 5.25.16

“If we listen to the voice, our lives lose their promise” Strength: Power Clean, 4×4, TNG, Find 4RM, Every 2 min WOD: For Time 400

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Tues 5.24.16

“If what you did in the past still looks big to you then you really haven’t done much in the present.” Strength: Bentover Row, 4×8,

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Mon 5.23.16

“It’s better to be prepared for an opportunity that never presents itself rather than unprepared for one that does.” Deload Strength: Front Squats, 5×3, 85%,

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Sat 5.21.16

  Sprints TRX SJ Dips OHL Push Ups G2O WC Bike Slam Ball Over Shoulder 30:30, 30:20, 30:20, 20:20 Shoutouts: Jake C, Kerri H Bday

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