Month: July 2018

Wed 8.1.18

Front Squats 6×2, 90% Every 2 min For Time – 10 min cap  6 Thrusters (95/65) 3 Rope Climbs 12 Thrusters (95/65) 2 Rope Climbs

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Tues 7.31.18

Clean & Press (FB: Jerk) Every 90 seconds 7×1 For Time Ready, Set, Go 1000/750 Meter Row Record time and Rest 3 minutes 10 Rounds

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Mon 7.30.18

Back Squats: 2-4-6-8-10 @75%, Every 2 minutes *You don’t have to do the sets unbroken Are your arches collapsing in? Partner Relay- 21 MIN AMRAP

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Sat 7.28.18

  Running Month – Part 4 For Time 1 Mile Run 20 Semi-Squat Cleans (115/65) 20 Push Presses (115/65) 1 Mile Run 20 Semi-Squat Clean

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Fri 7.27.18

Strength: For Time Snatch Ladder Reps:      10  –   8 –   6 –     4 –     2 Percent: 50%-60%-70%-80%-90% 15 Min Cap Catch

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Thur 7.26.18

Strength: Front Squats 10×2, 80%, Every 90 seconds BRING A FRIEND Learn how to Front Squat WOD: For Time then AMRAP  Part A: 21-15-9, For

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Wed 7.25.18

Strength: Part 1: 6 Min EMOM All in a minute: 15 Second Front Support 5 Push Ups 30 Mountain Climbers (1 for 1) Part 2: 6

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Tues 7.24.18

Strength: Strict Press 4×3, Every 90 seconds NO RACKS (Clean from the ground) BRING A FRIEND DO THIS WITH CLASS USING DB’S OR BARBELL COACH’S

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Mon 7.23.18

Strength/Skill: DL + Pull Ups (FB: Muscle Up), Every 90 seconds Set 1: 1 DL, 1 Strict P.U Set 2: 1 DL, 2 Strict P.U

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Sat 7.21.18

Running Month Ready Set Go, 800 Meter Run Then 4 Rounds of: 400 Meter Run (2 Laps) 17 HRPU 13 S2O (135/95) 400 Meter Run

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